Our Vision

To give customers the most compelling IT Support experience possible.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: make technology an asset for your business not a problem.

Our Values

We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Our Values

We develop relationship that makes a positive difference in our customers Business.

Our Values

We exibit a strong will to win in the marketplace and in every aspect of our Business

গুগল ম্যাপ এডিট করতে শিখুনঃ দেশের জন্য অবদান রাখুন

গুগল ম্যাপ। ডিজিটাল যোগাযোগ ব্যবস্থার এক অনন্য নাম ! জিপিএস ছাড়া উন্নত বিশ্বের দৈনন্দিন জীবন অচল। কিন্তু আমাদের দেশে অবহেলিত! দেশের ডিজিটাল ম্যাপিং এর অবস্থা খুব করুন। অনেক দেশে শুধু ব্যবহারকারীদের অবদানের জন্য নগরীগুলো ডিজিটাল ম্যাপিং এর সবোর্চ্চ শিখরে পৌছেছে। কিন্তু আমাদের দেশে কনট্রিবিউটর খুব কম। চলুন আমরা সবাই দেশকে ডিজিটাল বানাতে অবদান রাখি, আর শিখে ফেলি কিভাবে ম্যাপ এডিট করতে হয়।


গুগল ম্যাপ এডিট খুব সহজ কাজ! নেট ব্যবহার করতে জানেন এমন কেউ আলাদা কোন প্রশিক্ষণ ছাড়াই গুগল ম্যাপে অবদান রাখতে পারবেন।
1. প্রথমে আপনার একটি জিমেইল একাউন্ট বা গুগল একাউন্ট লাগবে। একাউন্ট না থাকলে এখান থেকে তৈরী করে নিন
2. এবার গুগল ম্যাপ এডিটের এই লিংকে প্রবেশ করুন। http://www.google.com/mapmaker
ম্যাপ এডিটের বাটনগুলোর সাথে একনজরে পরিচিত হোন।

যেভাবে নতুন রাস্তা বানাবেনঃ

ধরুন আপনার বাসার পাশের রাস্তাটি গুগল ম্যাপে নেই, কিন্তু আপনি অ্যাড করে দিতে চাচ্ছেন। নিচে স্যাটেলাইট ভিউ থেকে একটি রাস্তা দেখা যাচ্ছে যেটি ম্যাপে নেই (আমরা অ্যাড করে দেব)

এই রাস্তাটি বানাতে প্রথমে 1 চিহ্নিত বাটনে ক্লিক করুন। তারপর 2 বাটন থেকে Road সিলেক্ট করুন।

প্রয়োজনে জুম করে নিন। এরপর মাউস দিয়ে ক্লিক করে করে রোডটি বানিয়ে ফেলুন।

সিলেক্ট করা হলে কিবোর্ডের Enter বাটন চাপুন। 1 নং ঘরে রোড এর নাম দিয়ে Save করুন! :D
বিঃদ্রঃ (নিজের নামে কোন রাস্তা বানাবেন না, এটি নিষিদ্ধ)
(ব্যাস রোড তৈরী হয়ে গেল! রোডটি কিন্তু সরারি ম্যাপে প্রকাশ পাবেনা। আপনি নতুন ইউজার হলে একজন গুগল রিভিউয়ার আপনার ম্যাপটি রিভিউ করে তারপর পাবলিশ করে দেবে। সাধারণত 2-1 দিন সময় লাগে রিভিউ পেতে। ম্যাপটি পাবলিশ হবার সাথে সাথেই যে মোবাইলের গুগল ম্যাপে রোডটি দেকতে পারবেন না নয়, 10-15 দিন পর পর লেটেস্ট সব আপডেট কে ম্যাপে সিনক্রোনাইজ করা হয়, তখন মোবাইলে আপনার রোডটি বিশ্বের সবাই দেকতে পারবে।)

যেভাবে কোন জায়গা (পার্ক/অফিস/রেস্টোরা) বানাবেনঃ

প্রথমে 1 চিহ্নিত জায়গায় ক্লিক করে 2 নং থেকে যা বানাবেন তা সিলেক্ট করুন। এখানে আমি একটি পার্ক (Park) বানাবো।

আগের মতই (1) মাউস দিয়ে প্রথমে এরিয়া সিলেক্ট করে দিন। এরপর (2) পার্কটির নাম দিয়ে দিন (3) এটি পার্কের এরিয়া না বিল্ডিং তা সিলেক্ট করুন (4) Save করুন।
বিঃদ্রঃ আপনার বাসা ম্যাপে যোগ করবেন না। এটি গুগল সমর্থন করেনা। মডারেটর ডিনাই করে দেবে, আপনার ম্যাপিং অ্যাকুরেসি রেটিং কমে যাবে। বিজনেস এরিয়া ও জনপ্রিয় স্থানগুলো যুক্ত করুন।

যেভাবে কোন রাস্তার নাম সংশোধন করবেনঃ

ধরুন আপনার এলাকার কোন রাস্তার নাম ভুলভাবে ম্যাপে রয়েছে। এটি সংশোধন করার জন্য (1) সিলেক্ট বাটনে ক্লিক করুন। এরপর যেই রাস্তাটি সংশোধন করবেন তার উপর ক্লিক করুন (2)। রাস্তাটি সিলেক্ট হয়ে যাবে।

এবার Edit এ ক্লিক করুন। এখান থেকে Edit entire (রোডের নাম) এ ক্লিক করুন।

(1) এ রোডের নামটি প্রবেশ করান (2) সেভ করুন। :D

যেভাবে ভুল রোড ডিলেট করবেনঃ

ধরুন আপনার এলাকার কোন রোড ভুলভাবে ম্যাপে এসেছে. বা রোডটি নেই কিন্তু ম্যাপে আছে এবং আপনি ডিরেট করতে চাচ্ছেন (সতর্কতার সাথে ডিলেট করুন, কারণ আসল রোড ডিলেট করলে ব্যবহারকারীরা অসুবিধায় পড়বে)।
রোডটি ডিলেট করতে  (1) সিলেক্ট বাটনে ক্লিক করুন, এরপর যেই রাস্তাটি ডিলেট করবেন তার উপর ক্লিক করুন। এবার (2) Edit মেনু থেকে Delete This এ ক্লিক করুন।

এবার রোডটি কেন ডিলেট করবেন তার কারণ সিলেক্ট করুন।

ব্যাস রোড ডিলেট হয়ে গেল! :D


  • গুগল ম্যাপ এডিটে প্রচুর ডাটা খরচ হয়। প্রিপেইড ব্যবহারকারীগণ এক্ষেত্রে সতর্ক থাকবেন।
  • নিখুঁত ও নির্ভুল তথ্য দিন, মনে রাখবেন আপনার দেয়া তথ্য হাজার হাজার মানুষের কাজে আসবে।
  • নতুন ব্যবহারকারী হিসেবে আপনার এডিট সরাসরি প্রকাশিত হবেনা, কিছু সময় লাগবে।
  • গুগল ম্যাপে আপনার এডিট প্রকাশ পেতে 10-15 দিন সময় লাগবে। (স্টাবল ভার্সনের জন্য)
দেশের জন্য অবদান রাখুন, দেশকে ডিজিটাল করুন। এই পোস্টটি নিজস্ব ব্লগ ও অন্যন্য কমিউনিটি ব্লগে ছড়িয়ে দিতে পারেন যাতে সকলে গুগল ম্যাপ এডিট করতে শিখে দেশের জন্য অবদান রাখতে পারে।

Windows 8 Review- A closer Look.

Windows 8
Finally Microsoft has unvail its brand new OS Windows 8 Developer Preview and allowing everyone to pre test it features and get the feel of it. At Maximus IT we are thrilled to let our reader know all about Windows 8 which just been unleased for testing,

Speed Tests: It’s Faster than windows 7 in almost every way, Firstly the boot time  -Windows 8's boot times were significantly faster than Windows 7's, Microsoft made a big effort in. I would get boot times more comparable to Windows 7, and sometimes it would be fast as testing on Virtual Box. We will wait and see how that changes in a year when the final version come up, but for right now, we're going to assume that this goal of fast boot times is resulting in some pretty hefty speed increases.

On the first startup on my HP Laptop , I had to give the computer a name, choose a Wi-Fi router, and configure settings.  after that it went to do recommended update and security options and by default it allowing programs to use my name, location, and user pictures.

Windows 8 Login Screen
Next step is setting up a Google Chrome and sign into or create a Windows Live account by this way your apps can connect with Microsoft cloud services like SkyDrive storage, Hotmail, and any other connected services you’ve connected—Facebook and twitter and LinkedIn accounts . Once logging in, the new Windows 8 took a couple minutes to prepare my Computer.

When I reboot and start up again, I saw the lock screen image, and next to it is my login screen. Windows 8 Developer Preview have an innovative new option in that is to create a  picture password  in which you touch and swipe parts of an image to log in. very cool yea.

Windows 8 Developer Preview is combined desktop, laptop and tablet operating system, it is designed to go from tablets to big screens, from portable notebooks to big gaming systems and business desktops.

We also tested Windows Phone 7 Metro-style touch interface of live tiles, the Metro programming model for building web apps and native apps that run full screen and share information. Its basically what you use every day on you smart phone making your computing experience similar.

Windows 8 another features is to put two apps on screen side by side, and the traditional Windows desktop for when you need richer apps like the ones we've been using in Windows for years.

Windows 8 interface: You can customise both the image you see on the Windows 8 Lock screen and the details of unread emails and missed instant messages that it shows. And you can pin desktop apps such as Office or Task Manager, and even a link to the desktop, to the Lock screen.You can group tiles together - giving groups a name or leaving them blank - and make any tile single or double width. Just swipe the tile up a little to get the option to change the size, unpin the app or uninstall it completely. You'll be able to do that for pre-installed Metro software too (which is what Microsoft is encouraging OEMs to bundle on new Windows 8 PCs).
Windows 8 Log in

As well as moving a tile to a new location by dragging it, you can also drag it up to the top of the screen with one finger and hold it there while you swipe across the screen to get to where you want to drop it - a much easier way of dealing with a long list of tiles. Future builds of Windows 8 will also enable you to pinch to zoom out so you can see all the tiles on screen at once, and rearrange groups at the same time.

Once you launch apps, you can use gestures to arrange them as you do in Nokia N8 or other Smart phones. Swiping from the left switches to the next app, but you can also swipe and drag to put two apps on a screen side by side - and one of those can be the Windows desktop.

Windows 8 Log in
Touch keyboard: Windows 8 has two touch keyboards for ultimate mobility and flexibility. An improved, full-sized touch keyboard with larger buttons and a unique thumb keyboard make it easy to use your computer on the go. Whether you’re walking around or sitting down, it’s more comfortable and natural to type using your thumbs when the keyboard is split.

The touch keyboard in Windows 8 includes several features to speed up your typing and make it more accurate. Improved keyboard technology is designed to minimize inaccurate key strokes while automatically correcting mistyped words without slowing you down. To make typing more efficient, Windows suggests words on screen as you type, allowing you to choose the suggested word with a single tap.

Your apps come with you:When you sign in with your connected Microsoft account to another PC running Windows 8, your Metro  style apps and settings go with you, so it’s just like you’re using your own PC. You’ll also be signed in to all of the websites you were signed in to. Your connected account is like a portable, personal PC that appears on any Windows 8-based PC you’re using. You’re always ready to pick back up where you left off no matter where you are.

Apps can work together: Apps can communicate with each other in Windows 8. So, if you want to send pictures in email, and they’re in different places like Facebook, Flickr, or on your hard drive, you can easily pick and send the ones you want. Windows 8 provides a single view.

Internet Explorer 10: the web by touch Metro style Internet Explorer 10 provides a fast and fluid touch-first browsing experience that’s all about your sites, making them feel increasingly more app-like. With faster performance, leading security protection, more hardware acceleration, and site-ready HTML5 support, IE10 continues to allow developers  to build a richer and more beautiful web.
Windows 8 in Virtual Box

More for power users: If you want to push the limits of your PC experience, we’ve invested in the features most often used by power users. We redesigned Windows Explorer and Task Manager to greatly enhance productivity, and developed new, flexible options for multi-monitor setups.
File management with ease: With enhanced Windows Explorer to make file navigation and common file management tasks straightforward. The ribbon organizes Explorer’s rich functionality, surfacing previously buried features and has new commands like ISO mounting and single-window move or copy. We’ve brought back a long-lost favourite: the Up button. We’ve also introduced a new enhanced copy experience so you can view and manage all of your file operations in one place.

Task Manager: The new Task Manager is your easy-to-use, all-in-one dashboard for monitoring and controlling your PC so you always know what’s going on with it. The information is presented in color-coded tiles to help draw your eye to items that are using the bulk of a resource. You can keep track of your system efficiently and in real-time, taking advantage of summary graphs and detailed information on processes, applications, and history. You can see the services associated with each process on one screen.
Windows 8 Task Manager

Security: Smart Screen filter: SmartScreen is a set of sophisticated technologies to help protect you from malicious websites and programs. Whether you’re downloading or running a new program on the desktop, Smart Screen has you covered. SmartScreen continues to provide protection from phishing and socially engineered malware attacks using URL and application reputation and removes unnecessary warnings for programs and publishers with an established reputation. To add another layer of protection, SmartScreen is now integrated with program launch to screen programs downloaded from the web. It also shows new warnings before higher-risk programs can run and will block known malware.

Windows Defender: To ensure legitimate antimalware protection to all users, Windows 8 provides Windows Defender. It monitors and protects against viruses and other malware in real time and detects and removes malware if your computer becomes infected. With Windows 8, third-party antimalware software becomes even more effective: by loading approved antimalware drivers during the boot process, antimalware software can start from a known good state and continue its vigilant watch over your PC from that point on.

Secured boot: Secured boot stops malware in its tracks and makes Windows 8 significantly more resistant to low-level attacks. Even when a virus has made it onto your PC, Windows will authenticate boot components to prevent any attempt to start malware before the operating system is up and running. If the component isn’t correctly signed by Microsoft, Windows will begin remediation and start the Windows Recovery Environment, which will automatically try to fix your operating system.

Microsoft Windows 8 System Requirements:
  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
  • Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch

Download  Links: 

Bangladesh NEXT. Next IT Destination.

Bangladesh NEXT. Next IT Destination:

The demographic advantage, the stability and the social developments have set the platform for Bangladesh to emerge as the one of the next large players of global service outsourcing market. As outsourcing costs in traditional countries like China, India and Philippines are rising dramatically and global clients are increasingly looking for diversification of sourcing portfolio, Bangladesh is surely the Next best alternative.

Bangladesh possesses one of the most attractive population demography in the world. This is a country powered by youth. In terms of number of youth population, Bangladesh is among top ten countries of the world and top five within Asia. This unique age demography makes Bangladesh as one of the best attractive country for service outsourcing (ITES/BPO, Software, Call centre etc.).

A significant portion of the youth population is proficient in English. Within the non-speaking developing countries, Bangladesh education system has the 3rd largest number of enrollment in English courses at secondary and higher secondary level. Because of this second-language advantage, the country is surely one of the natural choices for service outsourcing for English speaking North American countries.

Adoption to new digital lifestyle among young generation is very high. The urban youth are quite tech savvy and always keep pace with different modern tech-driven lifestyle updates (e.g. in terms of Facebook users, Bangladesh ranks within top twenty in the world. The country already has over 2 million facebook users).

Over 10 million (around 7 percent of total population) citizens of the country work outside the country (4th highest in the world), in different parts of the world. This has contributed significantly in cross-cultural adaptability skill of the professionals. A significant number of the overseas people are technology professionals. They are working successfully in different leading technology companies at different parts of the world. This technology skilled diaspora can also be instrumental in outsourcing boom (as it has been the case in India).

Within the country, the rapid technological development in recent years has set the tone for significant growth in technology driven service industry. Mobile growth in the country is one of the highest in the developing world. Major technology infrastructure like country-wide fiber connectivity, Wi-Max broadband, 4/5G are being implemented at quick pace.

During last few decades, the country has achieved significant social sector development, particularly in education and health. As recognition of this, Bangladesh has recently won UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Award.

During last decade, Bangladesh economy has emerged as one of the most stable developing economies of Asia. Helped by very strong growth in both export and foreign remittance, the local currency (Taka) is one of the most stable currencies.

Powered by people Over 25,000 IT engineers are working in over 600 software and IT service companies: around 150 of these companies are specialized in serving overseas clients.

Specialized IT Education in Bangladesh is well established at the graduation and post graduation levels. Over 90 universities and 700 colleges across the country offer IT education programs. Every year, over 6,000 IT graduates come out of these universities and colleges.

A large part of these IT graduates also possess global IT vendor certifications (e.g., from Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Sun) on top of their academic degrees.

Excellence of IT workforce from Bangladesh is a well-accepted fact at home and abroad. Over 10,000 IT professionals from Bangladesh are working successfully in various IT companies in USA including Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Sun, Oracle, Texas Instruments, Cisco, Nortel, and Lucent – to name a few.

Bangladesh Government and the IT industry have taken up aggressive plans to scale up the number of IT workforce to meet the increasing demand. The plans include national skills assessment and enhancement programs for IT professionals, increasing the number of yearly IT graduates to 10,000 and development of outsourcing focused specific skill sets.

Government Support to IT outsourcing: Software and IT Services have been declared by the Government as a ‘High Priority’ export sector.

All Software and IT Services companies including those having foreign ownerships have been exempted from Income Tax .

Special government sponsored long-term equity fund and short term working capital financing are offered to IT companies.

Since 1996, Government has been allowing zero/low tariff for computers and other capital goods required for software industry.

Special Hi-Tech and Software Technology Parks are being built by the government to facilitate all the infrastructural supports needed by outsourcing companies.

A Roadmap to transform Bangldesh into ‘Digital Bangldesh’ has also been formed
know more at:Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)

BSRS Bhaban (5th Floor - West)12 Kawran Bazar
Dhaka -1215,Bangladesh
Phone: +880 2 8151196; 8144708-09
Fax: +880 2 8151197
Email: secretariat@basis.org.bd
Web: http://www.basis.org.bd

Make Use of online teamwork and collaboration


Conceptboard is another great web app for online teamwork and collaboration.Among many features, you can draw directly on a board for your team to see, drag files directly on to your concept boards, write over your documents, leave comments easily for others to see, invite colleagues and clients to participate and even work on it using your iPad. The free account gives you a lot of options and is worth a look.

Got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot right now!

Got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot right now!

Ruby is a programming language from Japan (available at ruby-lang.org ) which is revolutionizing the web. The beauty of Ruby is found in its balance between simplicity and power.

http://tryruby.org is an extremely well produced site for anyone who is interested in learning about Ruby on Rails. It has a number of different lessons that teach you the basics in a new and interesting way. Enjoy.

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